How To Clean Motorcycle Engine Fins The Easy Way

Decided it’s finally time to pay some attention to those dirty ass motorcycle engine fins? If so, check out this easy method on how to clean motorcycle engine fins and have them looking their very best again in no time.

Similar to car radiators, motorcycle engine fins are designed as an effective air cooling method to dissipate heat from the engine by increasing the surface area for airflow. One drawback to this design is that the little nooks in-between the fins can easily trap dirt and other road grime.

If the fins become overly dirty it can actually reduce their effectiveness in cooling the engine, plus dirty engine fins are a bit of an eye sore. It’s for these reasons that it’s vital to pay extra attention to them when cleaning your motorcycle. In this guide I’ll be walking you through how to clean motorcycle engine fins to keep them looking great.

indian-scout motorcycle engine fins

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Why You Should Clean Your Motorcycle Engine Fins

It takes a while for dirt and grease to build up on the motorcycle engine fins but once that grime has accumulated it can be notoriously hard to clean it off. The best way to avoid this problem is taking the time to regularly clean them out with a brush when you wash your motorcycle.

Allowing the dirt to build up on the motorcycle engine fins can hinder their ability to do their job of cooling the engine properly. In addition to this dirty engine fins are unpleasing aesthetically so it’s in your best interests to take some pride in keeping your bike looking its best!

What You’ll Need To Clean Motorcycle Engine Fins

How To Clean Motorcycle Engine Fins

Unfortunately there is no short cuts to cleaning the motorcycle engine fins, in order to restore them to their former glory it’s going to require some good old fashioned elbow grease and a heap of patience but I guarantee you it’ll be worth it.

Do not attempt to clean the motorcycle engine fins while it’s still hot! Allow to the motorcycle to cool down completely before cleaning to avoid doing any damage.

Start off by giving the motorcycle engine a good wash using with water and soap, use the brush to remove as much of the dirt as possible. To remove the more stubborn grime you’ll want to spray WD-40 onto the fins and use the Scotch-Brite pads wrapped around the end of the paint scraper to scrub in between the hard to reach walls of the fins.

As mentioned before this process will take a while as you’ll have to clean each fin individually on all sides, so grab and a cold beer, chuck on some music and get to work. Once you’ve cleaned as much of the dirt and grime from the fins as possible, give them a spray with some water to remove any residue and allow to dry before operating the motorcycle.

You can also go a step further if you like and polish the fins which will help to bring out the shine as well as aid in keeping them cleaner for longer.

clean motorcycle engine fins close up

To Conclude

Motorcycle engine fins play a vital role in dissipating heat from the engine in order to keep the bike running optimally. After many rides dirt and road grime can build up on the fins and make them look unaesthetic and even effect their performance. Due to their design cleaning the motorcycle engine fins isn’t an easy task and requires a heap of patience but with the right tools and method you can restore those grimy fins to how they should look.

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